Amor Lingua College

Out of love jeziku učenju edukaciji inovaciji

Welcome to the Web page of Amor Lingua College "Amor Vincit Omnia." <3 "Ljubav pobjeđuje sve"

Amor Lingua College was founded after more than 25 years of experience in education abroad. After countless cooperations with foreign language schools abroad, high schools and universities, it is time that outstanding education comes to Croatia!

Language courses

Big selection of foreign languages, specialized courses, study help for many subjects and state exams, children's playrooms and workshops, Amor Lingua Gymnasium
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specijalizirani tečajevi

Specialised courses allow us to acquire knowledge in specific fields that we need in the business world of 21st.
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Big selection of online foreign language courses, online study help for many subjects and state exams.
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Take a free online test and find out your knowledge level of a foreign language! In this way, you will surely choose the right course according to your qualifications.
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Amor Lingua College cooperates with Educational Travel Worldwide, and they organize many trips and foreign language courses abroad.
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dječji klub šarko

Amor Lingua College is located in the east part of a city, in Sesvetska Sopnica neighbourhood.
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Your future
starts here

Limits of the languages are limits of the world. Knowledge of foreign languages gives us freedom, boosts our self-confidence, and it opens a way to new acquaintances and business proposals in foreign countries. Knowledge of foreign language with a combination of specialised courses that are made to suit the need of 21st education is a ticket to a bright and prosperous future.

 Knowledge of foreign languages opens many opportunities like talking to foreigners while travelling, getting a student scholarship for studies abroad, business proposals from foreign companies or moving and living in foreign countries. Specialised courses allow us to acquire knowledge in specific fields that we need in the business world of 21st.

What are you waiting for? Learn a new foreign language or improve your present knowledge and we can help you with this adventure.

Our courses

Learn English, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, French, Croatian language and literature as a foreign learner.
Courses with a certificate in fields of Web design, digital marketing, film animation, comic book design, bookkeeping, tour management. We also offer education in the preparation and implementation of projects that utilise EU funds and project management and implementation of EU-funded projects.

Out of pure love for education.

Our professors are highly educated and full of enthusiasm and creativity. They believe and follow the idea of lifelong education, so they are continually improving their knowledge and learning new things.

Our professors will approach every group with the same passion for teaching. It doesn't matter if they are children or people who want to learn or improve their knowledge in their retirement.

We have more than 25 years of experience in education
We offer more than 20 courses at our college
We are partners with more than 70 universities, colleges, and schools that are located all over the world
There are more than 30 countries where our students can go and improve their knowledge
6-12 months
The average duration of Amor Lingua course

Amor Lingua College in numbers

Amor Lingua College guarantees top-quality education with more than 25 years of experience in teaching and offering more than 20 carefully chosen and carefully made educational programs. The numbers are on our side!

Not sure which course is right for you?

Take our online test for free, and we will recommend which course perfectly fits your needs.

Have any questions? Ask us in the form belove

We will respond to you as soon as possible.


Our partners

Amor Lingua College was founded after more than 25 years of experience in education abroad. After countless cooperations with foreign language schools abroad, high schools and universities, it is time that outstanding education comes to Croatia!

Verified programs:

Our educational programs

Programi osposobljavanja za poslove u zanimanju web dizajnera, digitalnog marketinga, knjigovodstva, voditelja putovanja, voditelja izrade i provedbe projekata financiranih iz EU fondova, suradnika u pripremi izrade i provedbe projekata financiranih iz EU fondova te filmskog animatora i strip-crtača.

Learn English, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, French, Croatian language and literature as a foreign learner.

Your future starts here -
add your new profession in your portfolio and workbook

Verified programs approved by the Ministry of Science and Education and the Agency for Vocational and Adult Education

Whether you choose secondary schools or VET programs, upon completion you will receive a verified certificate and the possibility of entering a new profession in the work book.

Don’t feel happy about your current job position? Do you feel like it’s time for significant life changes? Amor Lingua College offers a large selection of high school and VET education programs that are in high demand on the labor market! Get out of the rut of life and embark on a new adventure!

Upiši jedan od potpuno BESPLATNIH programa: Knjigovodstvo, Asistent za upravljanje projektima (EU) ili Internetski marketing i brendiranje! Upiši svoje novo zanimanje u e-radnu knjižicu!

The limits of language are also the limits of the world.

Knowledge of foreign languages provides us with a certain freedom, increases self-confidence and opens the way to new acquaintances and business offers for work in foreign countries. Knowledge of a foreign language gives you a ticket to a successful future.

 Knowledge of a foreign language opens up numerous opportunities, such as talking with foreigners during numerous trips, the question of a student scholarship for studying abroad, and business offers and life in foreign countries.

So what are you waiting for? Learn a new foreign language or improve the knowledge you already have!

Our professors are highly educated and full of enthusiasm and creativity. They believe and follow the idea of lifelong education, so they are continually improving their knowledge and learning new things.

Our professors will approach every group with the same passion for teaching. It doesn't matter if they are children or people who want to learn or improve their knowledge in their retirement.

We have more than 25 years of experience in education
We offer more than 20 courses at our college
We are partners with more than 70 universities, colleges, and schools that are located all over the world
There are more than 30 countries where our students can go and improve their knowledge
6-24 mjeseci
Average length of the educational program at Amor Lingua College

Amor Lingua College in numbers

Amor Lingua College guarantees top-quality education with more than 25 years of experience in teaching and offering more than 20 carefully chosen and carefully made educational programs. The numbers are on our side!

Not sure which educational program is right for you?

Take our online test for free, and we will recommend which course perfectly fits your needs.

Have any questions? Ask us in the form belove

We will respond to you as soon as possible.


Our partners

Pripremni tečajevi na Učilištu Amor Lingua: