Tourism and hotel commercialist

850,00 1.700,00 



Tourism and hotel commercialist

Tourism and hotel Commercialist program for secondary education

In preparation



Naziv programa
Tourism and hotel commercialist
četverogodišnji program
Vrsta programa
Program stjecanja srednje stručne spreme
Program description


  • prepare and serve food and drink
  • organizirati rad u kuhinji i restoranu, brinuti o tehnološkom procesu, tehničko – tehnološkoj opremljenosti i inventaru
  • plan supplies, purchase and takeover of reproduction material, and control the storage and preservation of food
  • compile the daily menu, arrange and organize receptions, banquets, formal lunches and dinners inside and outside the facility
  • design presentations of national dishes and beverages and their promotion
  • take care of the presentation and promotion of the restaurant, the economy of work, the aesthetic appearance of the food and the decoration of the space
  • supervise kitchen and restaurant operations, craft stores, and other catering enterprises' operations and financial health
  • find solutions in specific job requirements
  • to constantly improve in the profession and follow all the information necessary for the successful performance of the aforementioned tasks.

A tourism hotel commercialist must have basic knowledge in the field of tourism, hotel business and economics, as well as basic knowledge in statistics, bookkeeping and balancing, and the organization of business operations.

Good knowledge of computer work, knowledge of general culture and cultural heritage, art, history, good knowledge of several foreign languages, knowledge of tourist animation and communication, psychology of working with clients, etc. are required.

It is also desirable to be creative in performing presentation and propaganda work.

Subject list:

  • Business psychology
  • Tourist geography
  • History of Croatian cultural heritage
  • Economic law
  • Business correspondence
  • Accounting and control
  • Statistics
  • Bookkeeping
  • Business organization in the hospitality industry
  • Basics of tourism
  • Traffic and travel agencies
  • Marketing in tourism
  • Reception business
  • Merchandise and food
  • Catering service
  • Cooking (with confectionery)

Related professions

Commercialist, administrative officer, administrative secretary, economist

Employment opportunities

Tourism and hotel business professionals have various employment opportunities along the Adriatic coast, but increasingly also in continental and rural tourism. They are employed in restaurants, hotels and boarding houses. Work in tourism is often seasonal.


Uvjeti za upis


  • primary school certificate (for enrollment in 1st grade)
  • certificates of previously completed high school classes
  • certificate of final paper/exam (for enrollment in retraining)
  • nationality certificate
  • birth certificate
  • medical certificate confirming that the student is capable of performing the duties of a tourism and Hotel commercialist (for enrollment in the 1st year and retraining)
  • enrollment form with contract, (for enrollment in the 1st grade and requalification)

Prilikom upisa svi pristupnici imaju obvezu uplatiti upisninu u iznosu od 22,00€

Potrebne isprave za upis REGISTRATION CONDITIONS

 Physiotherapy technician program for secondary education

  • finished elementary school
  • at least 15 years of age
  • a medical certificate confirming that the student is fit to perform the duties of Torusim and Hotel Commercialist

Conditions for enrollment in the retraining program:

  • at least 15 years of age
  • finished secondary school
  • a medical certificate confirming that the student is fit to perform the duties of Torusim and Hotel Commercialist



Oblik nastave
Konzultativno – instruktivna /dopisno-konzultativna nastava općeobrazovni dio


Prilikom upisa svi pristupnici imaju obvezu uplatiti upisninu u iznosu od 22,00 €

Upisnina se plaća na IBAN Učilišta a: HR7524020061100990194
Model plaćanja: HR00
Poziv na broj primatelja: OIB (pristupnika)
Opis plaćanja: Upisnina za I./II./III./IV. godinu ili prekvalifikaciju,Ime i prezime pristupnika


Before classes even begin, students who enroll in this secondary school program obtain a decision on several exams that specifies which subjects are approved and which ones are included in the continuing education program.

Additional information


High school programs

Mogućnost zapošljavanja

Tourism and hotel business professionals have various employment opportunities along the Adriatic coast, but increasingly also in continental and rural tourism. They are employed in restaurants, hotels and boarding houses. Work in tourism is often seasonal.

Related professions

Komercijalist, upravni referent, administrativni tajnik, ekonomist, itd.

Potrebno obrazovanje

Potrebno imati završenu osnovnu školu i liječničku svjedodžbu specijalista medicine rada o nepostojanju zdravstvenih kontraindikacija za obavljanje zanimanja.