Web design & Marketing
1.460,00 €
Web design & Marketing
All participants who wish to become experts in online advertising should take the web design and marketing course. You will learn everything there is to know about the marketing mix and website design in 120 lessons. You will learn about social networks and programming languages in our course. Everyone, including students and business owners, should take the Web design and marketing course.
Web design & Marketing
Web design + Marketing
Professionals in marketing are important in the process of organizing and carrying out the development of concepts, goods, and services, their pricing, advertising, and distribution in order to carry out an exchange that satisfies the objectives of people and organizations. Enroll in courses to become a marketing expert for both offline and online platforms if you are interested in conducting market research and evaluating trends to design marketing strategy.
Marketers must keep up to date and follow trends. The planning and construction of a web page is known as web design. Page organization, navigation, appearance, colors, fonts, graphics, and content are all aspects of web design. All these components are combined by a web designer to produce a website that is user-friendly and accessible.
- Enroll in our education and become a marketing expert who has web design in his little finger.
- The vast subject of website planning and development is known as web design. You don't become an expert over night, as in other occupations. It is essential to learn specific information and put it into practice. Don't squander your time—said it's that 10,000 hours of practice in a certain subject is all it takes to become an expert.
- Become a digital marketing specialist and Community Manager who analytically plans and monitors trends with ongoing education. In today's modern world, the job of online advertising is viral. With this education, you can gain knowledge and experience that you will apply working on real projects and learn everything you need to prepare, lead and promote companies online. You will understand all the new trends currently in the market, which is essential for you for this profession and business.
- You will gain knowledge of all the most recent market trends, which are very important to you for your career and business. Everything that goes into creating and designing a website, including how it looks and succeeds, depends on the knowledge you can gain through education. These knowledge areas include technical proficiency with web development languages, understanding of how the web server functions and its features, website management expertise, and excellent communication skills, all of which are crucial in this competitive industry.
Since we also follow trends, we have organized a Web Design & Marketing course for you!
Our professors, as well as web design and marketing experts with many years of experience, will help you master the basics of web design, CSS, WordPress, HTML, how to create, analyze and optimize a website. You will learn the basics of marketing, SEO, digital advertising on search engines (Google Ads), tracking analytics through Google Analytics, creating ads and advertising products, and many other useful tools that will help you become an (internet) marketing specialist.
Education Web design & Marketing is held in a group of 5 participants in order to maintain the quality of teaching as much as possible! The approach is almost personalized, but if it's still your favorite option individual course 1:1 we have that option for you too!
In order to make this education available to everyone, we organized online course. There are no more excuses for additional education!
Who is the Web design & Marketing education intended for?
The course is intended for beginners and intermediate users who want to seriously engage in marketing in the future.
Whether you are a student, a small or medium-sized entrepreneur who wants to use marketing in business, or maybe you have a desire to work in one of the marketing agencies, our doors are open and professors are eagerly waiting to transfer their knowledge to you.
What knowledge will you acquire in the Web design & Marketing education?
- the basics of digital marketing
- You will learn to make an advertisement
- all kinds of forms of advertising and determine the best ones
- you will learn to create campaigns and ads in Google Ads
- You will learn to follow the web page analytics
- You will get to know the social networks that are currently the most used (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Tik Tok...)
- basics of Web design and image processing
- how to create a website
- Analyze and optimize it in order to display it as well as possible on the Google search engine (SEO)
- how to make responsive Web design
- You will learn programming languages CSS and HTML
- The last part of the course will be devoted to occupational safety
What is the location?
LOCATION: Sesvete, Karlovačka 2a or online (ZOOM)!
- Birth certificate or a certificate of nationality
- Identity card
- High school report
Cijena programa: 1.460,00 euro
By the end of the course, for all the successfully passed exams and the practical tasks during classes, we have provided you a certificate which you will be able to pun in your employment booklet!